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And the exams continue!

[2004-01-29] @ [7:32 p.m.]

Study, study, study, study.

That is all I did today, last night, tonight and some more tomorrow. I still have exams. I took my Algebera II A exam first thing this morning. I had two hours to take it. I took an hour and 55 mintues. After all that work and studying, I have to get at least a B or else all of that work would just be a waste. The same effort goes with my English mid-term. I worked to hard to fail. But I will not fail...

I'm trying to have a positive outlook on things this time around. Last year I didn't do so well because I kept telling myself I would fail. I haven't done it as much but of course you still always have the moment of doubt as you turn in the exam.

Tomorrow I have... Latin II and SAT prep (the math section of course). The Latin exam from last year was quite easy. But of course I did not have as much to memorize as I did last year. But I've been studying. And I've been studying. And I have been studying some more. I'm multi-tasking again. I have my book open before me studying the forms of demostrative adjectives and pronouns; the forms of this and that. I have to know 120 forms of all them together. I also have to 70 endings for nouns, 50 pronouns, and six cases for verbs to know. This is all a combonation of knowing stuff from last year and this year. I know most of it but there is always a moment of doubt with huge projects.

Surprisingly I am not that worried about my exam for my SAT class. There is not much studying that I can do for that test.

Then I get new classes on Monday... except AP English because this class is year-long. But part B of Algebera II is also there for next semester. I guess that can count for being year-long. Then comes Honors Chemistry and Honors US History. I need to get those blasted binders together.

I am actually very tired right now. Four hours of sleep will do that to you. I need to get back to studying for my Latin exam.

Let me do well tomorrow!

So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage