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Be truthful, little one.

[2007-01-21] @ [8:00 p.m.]

Aside from almost getting crushed by an elevator this evening, I am fantastic.

It was cold and there was varying levels of moisture that fell from the sky today. I felt like I should have been dressed like this whenever I went out.

Unfortunately I do no possess anything thicker than a hoodie up here because that is usually all you need down here. So being at a lack for winter weather clothes, I decided to do the next best thing. Lock myself in my room, for the most part, being productive by getting all that reading done and then reading some more but this time for fun. Yes fun. I find that Papillon is hard to put down. Like one of my favorite TV shows, like Battlestar Galatica, that finally premiers tonight with new episodes.

Squee anyone? Squee indeed.

In other news, at the beginning of this month/year I mentioned a little project that I would like to get off the ground by the end of the year involving creating a web site centered around design and such as that by brushing up my mad web design skills into crazy web design skills. I would also like to finish two stories, one started this past August and another started in 2005. I would most like to get those done. I would also like to get a new layout for this diary within the next month or so, time permitting.

So why with all the talk in the above paragraph about all these little projects that I keep talking about and that I want to do? I've been feeling rather ambitious as of late. Probably because I'll be turn twenty this year (a huge accomplishment in my mind) and that I'll be graduating in two and a half years. That may not seem that long but my parents were drilling the importance of college at age 11 and that seems just like yesterday. It'll all happen in the blink of an eye, or when you think about it, it does. Oh yeah, and gather poems for submissions to Skipping Stone by June.

I feel like I've accomplished so much compared to last night. And I am in a somewhat better mood. How about that!

Cheesy I know I sound. With no intention of reading this over, I am off to patiently wait for Battlestar and go dabble in my sketchbook or do something productive.

Till then, cheers.

P.S. Given that you had to write two papers on an American author from the American Realism movement (or these times, 1850-1910), who would you choose? I am torn between Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton.

So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage