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The hamsters of doom and purple monkeys conspire!

[2007-10-21] @ [10:02 p.m.]

Classes are starting to confuse me, as if they didn't all ready. The syllabuses keep changing in order to keep pace with adapting to classes. Things are misworded. I just invented a new word. And the wheels in my head keep turning.

Go back an entry, you'll see I had a hell of a time falling asleep this morning. I ended getting to sleep around six and waking up around nine. I haven't taken a nap today (so I'm going to be early tonight) but have managed to have Mountain Dew MDX and a can of Diet Pepsi Max. Both sodas are known to have lots of caffeine.

Caffeine is good so long as my heart doesn't explode. That would not be cool. I do wonder though if that is possible...but I really don't want to find out.

I do have a lot to say these days. I always have stuff on my mind. Constantly thinking, rotating...obsessing. Obsessing is a good word perhaps. I obsess a lot and have since high school though I don't think I obsessed this much in high school. It feels like there is a lot more pressure to do well this year especially compared to the last two years.

I mean, it is not like companies look at grades. Grad schools might but that is not the point. I am finding this semester harder though than I have before, especially with the writing classes, web page writing and prose writing. You think it would be easier to put factual information into coherent thought because it is all ready there, but it isn't. The information is there but it very difficult with me to come up with ideas.

Very different from writing about and analyzing literature. I'm told I've got great ideas but my delivery in those ideas constantly need to reshaped and revise. There I at least know what I want to go after and I know what I want to say. Besides, literature is really one of my passions.

I can write. I know this but it is so difficult trying to find what to say with my prose writing and web page writing classes. I don't even know what I want to say when I try to write. It comes out as the same blathering mess each time.

Whatever. I'm going to bed early. Maybe work some on a random poem or my massive story I started in May this year.

Till then, cheers.

So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage