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Keep on trucking or something.

[2008-09-21] @ [5:41 p.m.]

music Howard Shore - Concerning Hobbits

I feel so behind in everything right now from schools and friends. It feels really pitiful.

I know I have studying and writing to do for classes, stuff to do for clubs that I am with. Like posters publicizing club meetings that need to be posted around campus. I have an exam in government tomorrow, a rough draft due Tuesday, and a dread exam in Greek that makes me flail my arms in terror at the mere thought. I have my senior sem stuff that is driving me nuts. My laptop screen is still broken, or bipolar, and I have hooked up a monitor to my laptop so I can at least get some work done, or procrastination. Then there is the idea of the new job in catering which I'll probably start this weekend. The idea is exciting and a bit nerve wrecking at the same time.

Right now, that government exam needs to be studied for but the idea of looking over notes that are sloppy and barely legible because of the early morning class. I also need to look over recent political news to relate it to the exam. It's like literature in that respect, learning to apply the material to current situations or at least theory to application.

I might as well and make myself useful and study. I have a little more than twelve hours before this exam tomorrow. It may seem like a lot but I get distracted really easily. I probably shouldn't have Lord of Rings on in the background.

Till then, cheers.

So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage