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I would love to get a virus and give it to all my friends.

[2004-12-23] @ [7:54 p.m.]

I swear I have lost track of time over the past few days since I've updated. On Tuesday afternoon, I ate one too many pixie sticks, I came home and collapsed on my couch around four and slept till six that evening. And I still manage to have kept myself busy with last minute cleaning before the grandparents come down tomorrow.

Other than that, I really haven't done anything of worty mentioned. I have no homework over the week. So life has been kind of... dull for lack of a better word.

It's not a bad thing really. It could go to the old saying of no news is good news and with that in mind, it can mean nothing bad or horrible can occurr. Well, I did hear today on the news that the midwest of the US is having quite a bit of trouble with snow that has been snowing.

It did snow here Monday (only two inchs at most) and school was cancelled. But the weather has been stranger though now that I begin to think about it. Monday is was below twenty and I had water frozen on my car making my trunk hard to open. And today, three days later, it rained and was warm... like low sixties warm. Nuts, eh? And according to local forcasts, it is going to be 38 on Christmas with sunshine. I remember one year it was 70 something on Christmas eve. Virginia weather is strange. Strange indeed.

Because after all, most of life is stranger and ripe for the picking. My jaw feel strange tonight, stiff almost. I hope that goes away.

But I have nothing else to say tonight. Recently, I've been at a loss for words lately and my mind has been kind of dull and fuzzy, very much like life is at the moment.

Hey, how about a poem inspiried by Monday's snow day and this wintry background written by yours truly called Snow.

Cold, crisp, and pure
Untouched by man and his feet
It remains pristine, unspoiled
Like a newborn babe fore the world to see.

As Apollo casts his light,
Across innocent snow covered plains,
The new season opens its eyes sleepily,
To gaze upon the beauty of a winter sunrise.

Winter warmth is what has come,
The snow brings a fresh start
Wiping the past clean for
It remains unspoiled and pristine.

Probably not my best work, but oh well. It is winter (even though it was in the 60's today). So now I shall depart on these words of wisdom that many have probably heard, Happy Eve of the Eve of Christmas. That was hard typing.

So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage