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How are unicorns just femine? They have big horns on their heads.

[2006-04-30] @ [9:56 p.m.]

If a rock falls on your head, that is certainly bad for you. But shame, disgrace, reproaches, curses do harm only insofar as they are perceived. If they are not noticed, they are not harmful. "What harm if all the crowd should hiss and boo; you're safe as long as you can clap for you." But that is made possble only by Folly. - Desiderius Erasmus from The Praise of Folly

The song of the moment that is stuck in my head is the following: To Myself I Turned - Lacuna Coil.

I was rereading that for one of my take home exams and for some odd reason, might it be the zoning or the massive amounts of caffeine I pumped into my system via tall cappucino and a small Full Throttle icee, I fell in love this piece of work.

Ignorance is bliss. Fools live happily and freely because they give into a life of illusion, whereas scholars are the oppisite. The closer you come wisdom, the more likely you are driven to sadness and death.

This is the basic message of the work. I am usually more of the former than the latter. I like to live in illusions. I am a natural born daydreamer. This isn't bad though I am aware of the world, especially since I have my exams tomorrow.

I am hoping you can tell I really don't want to be studying right now. Hence I'm updating my diary, I cleaned the dorm shower and sink, took a three hour nap, and plucked my eyebrows. With very little studying in between. But I did study. Give me credit for that. And I am studying tonight.

Biology. Literature. Italian. All that joyous fun stuff.

Yet I get done by Tuesday night/Wenesday (because I have to turn in a take home exam).

And I am going to get back to work studying till who knows when (probably when I am about to pass out) or when I feel like I've actually relearned something.



*The title is from Friday's literature after discussing poem 12 of the Cantares Mexicanos.

So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage