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I'm not crazy. I am just deprieved of sleep and full of caffeine.

[2006-05-02] @ [1:34 a.m.]

But in fact, who have been the most likely to commit suicide out of weariness with life? Isn't those who have come closest to wisdom? - The Praise of Folly written by Erasmus

I wanted to pull some fancy quote from David Auburn's Proof because it talks about madness in genius but since I was at a lack for finding a quote, I have to relay on good ol' Erasmus though it wasn't quite the quote I wanted to begin with.

As you can see. It is early this Tuesday morning. I have my Biology final in less than six hours or so. I've studied. Make no mistake I've studied. Studied so much I think I'm crazy. And I feel like I haven't learned a lick of information.

And I've been pumping myself full of caffeine. 'Tis wondeful to be a college student in the middle of exams, especially during the nocturnal cycle of life.

I have my last two finals tomorrow. And I have to clean. And pack because I'm leaving Wenesday if I recall around noon. And I still have to write a six page paper for a final tomorrow *coughnightcough*, thus comes in my stash of Bawls to save the night.

I swear I'm not usually like this most of the year.

Really. Though I am tired right now and I am going to study Biology a bit more before going to bed for the count till six or seven later this morning. Then order a red eye before taking the exam. You do know what a red eye is? A shot of espresso with coffee. Though I usually like to add two pumps of Irish Cream just to take away the very bitter flavor. It keeps you up though.

How the hell I am going to survive this coming exam. It is like doom. I'm pretty sure I am going to pass the class but I don't know with what... wish me luck I guess.

I am off to try and salvage four or five hours of sleep before the big test this morning.


So, quick thanks for the image from confusedvision, under the Creative Commons License 2.0. The inspiration came from Lacuna Coil, an awesome gothic metal band from Italy. This place on the web is fueled by diaryland, firefox, psp 9, caffeine in any form, books, slavic literature, and random bursts of ideas. With the exception of the image and lyrics, the design and code involved is mine. Graize.

kelly's currently-reading book montage